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Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Why Winners Win {Say That 5 Times Fast...}

In regard to making money on the Internet, everyone is always looking for the quick fix. They want to sign up for a program, place an advertisement, and make hundreds or thousands of dollars instantly. While this may be possible depending on your
circumstances, the most direct and guaranteed path to success on the Internet is to stick with the fundamentals.

Someone I know who is the athletic coach for kids in the city where I live reminded me of this lesson. This guy is actually so passionate about kids and athletics that he coaches 4 different sports: basketball, soccer, baseball and football. Of course, he has a kid of his own on each team. But what is remarkable about this guy is the results he gets with his teams.

He was recruited to coach the 8th grade football team where his children go to school. After 27 years of losing seasons in a row, the first year my friend became the head coach the team won the district championship and repeated their hampionship run the following year. This past weekend he coached 12 different games and won all 12 of them. As you can tell, this guy is extremely dedicated.

But the funny thing is that he and the kids he coaches are not totally hung up on winning. If they lose a game, they feel equally good about themselves as they would if they had won. What matters most to them is how well they played and lived up to
their potential as a team.

The real question is how my friend's teams continually perform on such a high level and beat nearly anyone they play even though they are often smaller and younger than their competitors. I asked this question to my friend the other day and he told me
that it's all in the fundamentals.

In his practices, all he works on with his kids is keeping a positive mindset and practicing the fundamentals. He told me that his teams never scrimmage or strategize about upcoming games during practice. They simply work hard on all the fundamentals of whatever particular sport they are playing and do so more than any other team they play. This constant practice and improvement of the fundamentals is what allows his teams to progress faster than his competitors. While most other teams get caught up with how to win, out-strategize, be stronger than and intimidate their opponents, my friend's team is just so good at the basics that they blow everyone out of the water when game day arrives.

This got me thinking about my own Internet business and why I've been able to succeed on such a high level while many others who have tried to do what I do have failed. The answer is not really surprising.

Most people who try to build a successful Internet home business are looking for the quick fix. They want it to work IMMEDIATELY and so they usually fall prey to business opportunities that promise to help them get rich overnight and advertising scams that promise to deliver thousands of hungry prospects to their website in the next 24 hours. Of course, these opportunistic schemes are really just geared to steal people's hard earned money. You see, when someone is desperate and looking for an INSTANT solution, they will often be taken advantage of and their chances for success with an Internet home business are slim to none.

However, while there are thousands of business opportunities on the Internet and millions of different ways to advertise and promote your website, I personally practice the fundamentals in my Internet home business. I do this by sticking with the business opportunities I've joined for the long haul and promoting my website consistently with simple, affordable and easily maintained Internet marketing techniques.

In fact, one of the techniques that works best for me is writing articles like this one and posting them on other website online. This is a very simple and effective marketing technique that I teach to all my Plug-In Profit Site members at:

By writing articles and getting them published on other websites all over the Internet which is really very easy to do, I'm able to get my name and website address in front of thousands of people without paying a dime in advertising. Of course, the key to this strategy is that I write and distribute articles
*consistently* in this way. It's one of those "fundamentals" that doesn't cost anything but a little time and effort. Fact is, it's this price of time and effort that most people are unwilling to pay. They'll gladly part with hundreds or even
thousands of dollars, but ask them to do a little work and they say: "No way!"

It's this understanding that can separate you from the pack. If you are willing to practice the fundamentals of your business faithfully and consistently, you will be destined to succeed on a high level. But if you can't and you're only looking for the
quick fix, you have already lost the game before you even set foot on the field.

Even pros like me practice the fundamentals every day. In fact,*especially* pros like me practice the fundamentals. The moment I stop practicing the fundamentals is the moment I stop being a pro. Think about this carefully and then renew YOUR commitment to the fundamentals of your Internet home business today. Do this
and you will SOAR past all your competition as I have done.

Do you have kids ?

Operating a home business is seldom easy and interruptions come in all shapes, sizes and forms.

Between the family, friends and neighbors who call or come by, and the telemarketers who insist on ringing your number off the hook, getting through the workday can be a real challenge.

When you introduce children into the home office environment,your productivity and patience can be seriously tested.

For example, right now my three-year old daughter is pulling on my shirt and begging me to read her a story. Clearly, I'm in the middle of something important here, but how can I say no to those eyes? I'll be right back...

Ok, that wasn't so bad was it? She's happy, I'm happy (having bonded with my daughter) and now I'm back to continue my conversation with you. :-) What's the lesson here? Flexibility is a major key to balancing your home business priorities with your family's needs.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that maintaining a deep level of concentration on work in a home business for long periods of time is next to impossible. Naptime does offer some reprieve, but any break from the kids is usually short lived.

Even with older children, summertime introduces new challenges with kids running in and out of the house all throughout the day.

I would like to share with you some of the tips I have discovered to help manage your home office with children in your midst. Since children of different ages pose different challenges, I will present my tips in terms of age groups.


We will look at older children first since they pose the least challenge to our work productivity.

Children, who are old enough to understand the idea of schedules and chores, are old enough to understand the needs of your home business. Explain to your children that you do your work at home so that you can be near them when they need you. But also be
sure they understand that you must do your work so that you will have the money necessary to keep your house, feed the family and to provide them with money for entertainment.

Once your children understand the necessity of your work, then outline a work schedule and explain it to them. Do make sure they understand that emergencies are definitely an acceptable reason to interrupt your work. Then make sure they understand
that between hours x and y, you will be doing work --- and then hold them to respecting your schedule.


Infants will never understand your needs for work. But fortunately, babies do well under a schedule or routine. Instead of expecting your child to work around your schedule, schedule your work around the needs of your baby.

It is simple. Babies eat, sleep and poop. Sometimes they play. Fortunately, babies sleep more than they do anything else.

Naptime offers the best advantage for getting your work done. Get your baby into a routine of eat, sleep and play, and you will experience unexpected levels of productivity.


If you have a toddler running around the house while you are operating your home business, then you may find that your hair turning gray or disappearing altogether. But, gray hair is a sign of character, right. ;-)

lock for the inside of the house did so because he had toddlers in his own home. Inside door locks should only be utilized when you are making that important phone call and your toddler is screaming for your attention. At all other times, your door
should remain unlocked with your door open.

Develop a routine with your children for meal times, naptimes, and play times. Work these times into your work schedule and adhere to them. If you fail to keep appointments with your children, your children will have less respect for your work and do more to prevent you from the completion of your work.

Don't be afraid to let your children sit in your lap while you are working. It helps them to feel wanted and it helps them to be a part of your daily life. There are times when it is okay for them to be sitting in your lap while you work, and at other
times you need them out of your lap. Don't be afraid to tell them to get down and go play or read a book so that you can resume your work.

Permit your children to have their toys in your office. Often they will sit contently and play while you work. Just knowing you are near is enough to keep them happy.

Be prepared to take an hourly break to deal with your toddler. Try to do potty breaks at your hourly break and to do drink refills. This can help your child grow into a routine that will work well with your home business. At each break, spend a few minutes with your child giving hugs and kisses and talking with your child about what he or she wants to talk about.

Toddlers don`t always do well with the routine, so be prepared to take a few minutes when needed to give the attention that your child so desperately needs in the moment.


I hope these tips serve to help you in the challenge of operating a successful home business.

My home business permits me to fulfill my financial obligations *AND* see my children grow up. I would never contemplate trading my home business for another kind of business. Even with the added challenges of dealing with toddlers in my home office, the upsides far outweigh the downsides.

Growing my own home business with children around has definitely given me a new respect for all people who successfully run a home business with kids in the work environment. I tip my hat to you... You deserve it!

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009


No business can survive the long run without some form of consistent advertising. As a result, most business owners will eventually consider using advertising to promote their business.The toughest part of the advertising equation is in determining where and how to spend your advertising dollars. If you do it wrong, you could plunk down your entire advertising budget and receive absolutely no return on your investment. But, if you do it right, your advertising could continue to bring a nice return for years to come.
In order to make good decisions concerning how to spend your advertising budget, you must first have a good understanding of the different types of advertising and promotion available and what can be expected to be achieved by each.· You must understand which markets the different media`s can reach.· You must understand the demographics of the media`s consumers.· You must understand the buying habits of the consumers reached through the media.
The media`s that people think of most often are television, radio, newspaper and magazine advertising. Of course, these are the big boys that big businesses use regularly.Other methods of promotion include trade shows, press releases, direct sales, telemarketing, word of mouth, branding and billboard advertising.
The big boys of advertising media`s generally cost big bucks. Given certain circumstances, the big media`s can be bought for very little money.Take for example, television, radio and newspapers cost big bucks during their prime times, but can be bought for pennies on the dollar during non-primetime hours.Television primetime is between 7pm and 10pm. Radio primetime is between 7am and 6pm. With newspapers, the primetime is Wednesdays and Sundays.If you intend to hit a media during prime time, get ready to drop some bucks. Primetime means that you will be able to hit more consumers during these times. So, in most cases, a primetime buy will enable you to reach more people with your advertising.Non-primetime hours can still deliver a lot of eyes and ears to your message, and sometimes, these off-hours can be bought for a bargain basement price.
Trade shows and press releases are more event-driven. The trade show is the event, while the press release generally exploits an event.Trade shows are an exceptional tool when you deal directly with potential sellers of your products or services. Other shows are directed at the consumer, and those can be very valuable avenues for sales as well.The press release is aimed towards gaining attention for a business by distributing newsworthy information about the business.Sometimes the appearance of a business at a trade show or other show can provide the necessary angle for a press release. But most often, a successful press release will actually require more noteworthy information than the appearance of a business at a show.Yet, even the most mundane of information could be spiced up to give the real air of importance necessary to get your press release read and printed.The great thing about a press release is that might permit you to get relatively inexpensive promotion on television, radio, newspapers and magazines; for far less than what it would cost you to buy advertising in those same outlets.
Depending on what type of business you run and the consumers you are trying to reach, you might find direct sales and telemarketing to be very lucrative ways to drive sales to your business.Both are very similar in nature. Direct sales can be very expensive, as it requires a great investment of time to accomodate. Telemarketing seeks to minimize the time expenditure, but it often leads to a smaller degree of respect and attention.Depending on your product or service --- and always depending upon the people you employ to the task --- each method will be more suited to each business on an individual basis.
I grouped branding and billboard advertising together in my original list for a reason. I did this because billboard advertising serves most businesses best by helping to support the process of branding.Branding is the process of establishing your business as the supplier of a certain product or service, or in emphasizing a certain USP (Unique Selling Proposition) as it pertains to your business.If branding and USP seems to be a confusing concept, think about Wal-Mart and their tag line: "Always Low Prices, Always."Think about Ford Motors, "Quality is Job One."Think about the Visa Card, "It`s Everywhere You Want To Be."You see, these top corporations have managed to make their USP part of their branding.Even if you are only competing in a local marketplace, your USP can and should fit snugly into your randing strategy.
Whichever method or media you should choose to employ in your advertising and promotion, you should become knowledgable about your market, and the consumers reached by each media. It is important to understand which consumers can be reached by a certain media, and in what quantities.However you choose to spend your advertising dollars, you should always track the results of your promotional efforts. Failing to track successes and failures will ultimately lead to the failure of a business.
When you know whom you are trying to reach and how you think you might be able to reach them, you will begin to learn how to use advertising and promotion to make your business successful. That is a good thing --- after all, that is why you got into the business in the first place, isn`t it?

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

How to Win the Advertising and Promotion Game

I am certain that, as a business owner, you have often entertained the question as to how much to spend and where to spend your advertising dollars. For most small business owners, these questions can add to the headaches suffered in the course of normal everyday operations of their business.


The how much to spend and where to spend it questions have no easy answers.

Depending on your type of business, many people suggest that the *how much* should be equal to anywhere from 4% to 10% of your gross receipts.

The quandary is that a business cannot survive without a fresh flow of incoming customers. But, a business can seldom generate a fresh stream of customers without spending money to get the word out about their business.


Have you ever paid for advertising and sat back to await the fresh flow of customers, only to find yourself sitting and sitting and then sitting some more?

Don't feel bad about that. It has happened to many of us before.

See, knowing where to spend the advertising money is not enough to get the job done.

Where to spend the money only begins to highlight the other issues connected with advertising:

· Marketing Plan
· Advertising Strategy
· Headlines, Ad Copy and Visual Presentation
· Tracking the Success of Your Advertising Campaigns


The Marketing Plan is used primarily to identify your own products and services, costs, strengths, weaknesses and the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.


It is important to understand what you expect to gain from your advertising.

Do you simply wish to get your name known so that when your customer will need you, they will think of you first? Or, do you ish to get your customers in your front door on Saturday?

Do you want your customers to come in and take a look around to discover the next object that they cannot live without? Or, do you want them to come in and buy a specific widget?

Do you hope that enough people will come in to buy enough products or services to pay for your single ad? Or, do you expect to gain a lifelong customer who will help pay for your advertising over the course of several years?

When you know what you want, then you will better understand just how to do it.


You might be surprised how many business owners put out advertising without regard for the quality of the sales pitch or presentation. The quality of your distribution outlet or the amount of money you spent to get there will do little for you if the advertising vehicle is a junker.

Test all of your advertising materials in smaller markets before blowing your advertising bank roll on it. You must absolutely know the value of your advertising before putting large sums of
money behind it.


Tell your customers to save another 10% when they tell you they heard or saw your ad in such-and-such location. Suggest that they can register to win a free widget if they fill out a form
and have them to tell you how they heard of your business. Advertise a specific widget in your ad and track the sales of that widget.

It does not matter how you track your advertising --- just make sure you do it!


The ideal way to spend your advertising budget is to buy a rifle with a high-powered scope and to only shoot your targets in the light of day.

If you are not tracking your advertising, then you are shooting a pellet gun without an attached scope, with blinders on, and shooting in the dead darkness of night.

Even with a bigger gun, the blinders in the dark constitute the single largest mistake made by advertisers. If you are unable to track your advertising to learn what is working well, what is
working somewhat, and what is a money pit, then you are condemned to repeat your mistakes over and again.

By relying only on gut instinct, you may be choosing to spend more money in the money pit and to lose all of your money in the process.

When you get down to the nuts and bolts of making money from your advertising, you should plan, prepare, track and study your results. You must have factual information on which to base your advertising decisions. When you are making the right advertising decisions, then making money from your business might just come easy.

This collection of 10 Wise Words That Make Your Motivation Confidence More Every Day

A collection of wise words of motivation is a continuation of post This Collection 10 Pearl Words That Make Your Motivation Morale Every day that I post some time ago.

Extraordinary response from all partners. I am very happy and proud to have colleagues who are eager and willing to pick up a bright future through hard work. Among other comments such as Mr. Might: the words are enough pearls to make a longer body is not fit to be spirit again ...

Well, as a sequel, this time I suguhkan second series collection 10 Wise Words That Make Your Motivation Confidence More Every Day. You should be enjoyed.

1. Every day my confidence continues to increase with increasing my ability.
Each ACTION me to something, it adds to my confidence many times over.
This confidence growing unstoppable until filled my entire body and radiates a light of self-confidence that makes people see me as someone who has charisma, character, and strong confidence.

2. I am now in top confidence. I believe I can get results like I want.
I am now able to observe the success that I get in the future. And I'm shaping the future as I want from now. From this day ... from this moment ... With hard work. With ACTION started now!

3. The people see me is an interesting person.
Every day I grow more interesting.
I never stopped more baik.Sebab, I am very fond of me. I love myself better than yesterday. I like to be better because for me it is the most beautiful gift in my life.

4. I am now easy to get along with anyone.
The good people attract me all the time. They want to meet and make friends with me. Because I am a fun person and respect others.

5. Expression on my face looked bright and fun both for myself and others.
When I greet someone, I was greeted with delight from my heart. I shook hands with great warmth.

I am now a magnet. Each person interested in me. Each person who first met I would have liked me.

6. I now like to inspire and empower others to achieve success.
Each man thanked me because they felt I had planted good for him. In each eye that I look, I feel gratitude that. And they are happy in touch with me because I was warm and pleasant personality. All my relationships with other people running smoothly and exhilarating.

7. I now have all the things I need to multiply the wealth I want.
My Welfare growing every day because every ACTION what I did was clearly intended to improve welfare.
I now have all the knowledge needed to increase my welfare. I have the ability to become wealthy and prosperous from the business I currently live. I have the ability to accumulate the capital that I need to improve my well-being.

8. I am now surrounded by a variety of opportunities to generate wealth from what
I love to do.
Fun and my hobbies that do not produce measurable benefits for myself. Because I do my hobbies and pleasures seriously. I am very skilled and the best in this field.

9. I always ask myself and others to always improve themselves.
I say with confidence in each person I meet about what it means to true life. Real life is a life that does not stay in one place, but continued to experience improvement and progress. Nuance implied progress on each of the things I say and do.

I was a forward and take on the progress. I promote every person I meet. Since I was the way of progress.

10. I was the center of every thing that progress and improvement.
I encourage adding value to every thing that I encountered. I made sure in every sense of my customers, and benefits of each business transaction that they do.

Save and read regularly motivational words of wisdom of your choice with confidence, surely you will feel the difference in the next few days. You will become more confident. Prove it!

Personality Type 3 People You Need to Develop Your Internet Business

As I often say, the Internet business does not mean to do it all himself. You can use the power of others to promote your internet business. Therefore, I often recommend to form a team to move your internet business can be more tightly.

However, you need to pay attention to the character of each person to join your team. Let each person has a different character. Well here I have to say three personality types of people you need to complement your business team. The third type is not only necessary for the type of Internet business, but also needed to advance any type of business you run.

What are the three types of personality do you need it?

Before going in, I want to review in advance the questions that may arise for many people new to this internet business. The question is usually: where to start?

3 powerful steps in SMUO actually I've explained how a simple way to start an Internet business.

1. of a product
2. create a web site (website) SMUO
3. and the third promotion, promotion, and promotion.

Well, so powerful are the three steps can be successful, your team must consist of three distinct characters, namely:

* Character marketers
* Character thinkers
* And character drivers.

People of character means marketers must understand the workings and intricacies of sales and marketing. The person must understand how to sell on the internet.

The second is the type of thinker. People like this character raises his job was a new idea or new ideas. People should understand this type of consumer who is served, like what his favorite and why consumers love it.

Third is the type of driving. His job is to ensure all team goals achieved and in accordance with business plans. This type of people usually have high ambitions and prioritize the results. Usually these types of matches as the team leader, because if she needed to come down to help work the type of marketers and thinkers.

Ideally, your business or your business, filled with three types of people. But if you happen to have or start a business by yourself and how?

Your own means to play the third role. You as a thinker, as marketers, as well as pressure for themselves. And that's what I did in the early days of the birth of Formula Business. Of a product, website, and promotion, I do it all by himself. Fortunately, I was patient enough to run because the results are worth it. :)

What is "marketing" anyway?

Are you an online marketer? Or do you simply promote affiliate programs? Marketing is truly the most misunderstood word in use today on the Internet. Let me see if I can clarify this issue
just a bit.

In Marketing 101 at your local university, marketing is actually the process of Product, Place, Price and Promotion.


No business can exist without a product or service to sell.

In a nutshell, entrepreneurs are the people who believe in a product, service or idea, so much that they are willing to invest their lives into the development of their dream.

Historically, every major corporation in the world was started by an entrepreneur with a dream and the drive to make it a reality.

However, there comes a time in the life of every corporation when those who fear the gambling nature of their founder, squash the entrepreneurial drive that made the company a viable concern in the first place. The entrepreneur will either submit to the careful nature of the stockholders, or he will be forced to leave the company he created.

The only entrepreneurs who withstand the pressure to move more carefully are those who have maintained majority control over their companies.


In the offline world, place is defined by location. On the
Internet, place is defined by domain name and the web hosting
service chosen.

Both online and offline, place can make or break a company
without respect to the quality and value of the product, service
or idea.


Selecting a price is determined first on a basis of whether the company wants to be seen as a discount or a value company.

Take for example Wal-Mart and Staples.

Wal-Mart is the lead discounter in the marketplace. Staples on the other hand is the specialist in office supplies.

Both sell a significant number of office supplies despite the fact that the lowest price can usually be found at Wal-Mart. As a value dealer, Staples can afford to charge more for their products than Wal-Mart.

So the question for you is whether you want to position your company as a discount or value company.

Testing has shown that products and services can be sold at any number of prices and still reach a significant number of people.

The challenge of selecting the best price for your product or service will require a certain amount of testing.


Let`s assume we are selling a product. Let us also assume that we know that the product can be sold for $10 or $50. Let us also assume that if the price dips below $10 or rises above $50, then
the product sales fall off significantly.

Our challenge is to determine the best rate at which to sell our product.

Testing has shown us that we can sell 1000 items a week at $10. Testing has also shown that we can sell 500 items per week at $50. And testing has shown that we can sell 650 items per week
at $45.

At $10, our projected weekly earnings are $10,000. When we sell the product at $50, we know that we can earn $25,000 per week. Most importantly, we know that we can earn $29,250 when our product is priced at $45.

With the imaginary testing we have done on our imaginary product, we can easily see that selling our product at $45 per item will earn us more money over the long haul.

Thus, when we make the decision for a national rollout of our product, then we will price our product at $45.

Of course, this is a very simplistic analysis of the point I am trying to make. Though simple, I believe this analogy will help you understand the methods of developing a product`s prices.


Promotion, on the other hand, is the process of notifying the consumers for your product or service of your availability to serve them.

Methods of promotion vary distinctly and should be arranged to meet very specific goals.

As with product, place and price, promotion should not be left to chance. You should test every ad, every media, and every price point to determine the best bang for your promotional dollars.


If you are an online promoter or marketer, please factor in the most important element concerning the cost of your promotions.

What element is that? Your time!

Value your time at a certain dollar amount, and figure in your time into the cost of your promotional accounting.

I say this because too many online promoters lose sight of this concept and spend 20 hours to generate one sale while using free advertising. Even if you rate your time at the federal minimum wage, then you will have invested $105 of your time for one sale that might only net you a gross sale of $45!


Most people who run a business on the Internet call themselves marketers. Yet, most of these same people are really just promoters wrapped in the label of a marketer.

True marketers do not promote without a lot of advance work. They spend time planning, testing and measuring their actions and results to get the most out of every dollar spent and earned.

Entrepreneurs finesse the art of marketing as they build their company into a major enterprise.

If you are a promoter who does not keep an eye on the total marketing equation, then you are bound to fail.

If you do call yourself a marketer, then do what a professional marketer does. Make sure that every dollar spent is spent well. Make sure that every dollar earned is put to good use. Market
well so that when the people of the next generation look at your life, they will see a fine example of a successful entrepreneur that they will strive to emulate.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

8 Ways of Being Netpreneur!

Here, we will share success tips to netpreneur, including:

1. Speed.

With all the acceleration of technological development, globalization, and the Internet, the rate of change was more rapid than ever imaginable. Therefore, you should be able to anticipate and able to react quickly, but also calculating.

2. Adapting capabilities.

The rate of change in the Internet world requires business more flexible and adaptive than ever before. You should be able to add knowledge and menginterpretasinya, and respond rapidly to any changes occurrence both in technology and competition, also on turnover patterns and the buyer-market.

3. Experiment.

A netpreneur be willing to try new ideas in the market the dibidiknya. You do not have much time or just rely on 'market research' which was not up to date to evaluate your actions. Experiment and ready to move fast to adapt to what is necessary and desirable to your market.

4. The Constant innovation.

Launching a product to market is just a beginning. Encouragement competition and the relentless demands of the market to repair a business focus on innovation is very important.

5. Collaboration.

It is the nature of a collaborative netpreneur. You can not work alone in the movement speed like this. The Internet allows you to involve many owner of the company in every step. Starting from birth a product through research, product development, packaging, delivery, support and the process of ongoing improvement.

6. Be Distribution Drive.

Real challenges of today's business world is the distribution spreading the brand and identity products and services -. One thing that most felt, the Internet minimize barriers distribution. For that, you need to build brands and channels distribution for the sustainability of business success.

7. Focus On Niche Market.

Internet reach and distribution business opportunities in the market open new. Therefore, should netpreneur focus on market sector well-defined niche market that is on or niche markets, in order to achieve a dominant position or to find market or under-served yet. Despite the fact, The most exciting opportunities lie in creating new markets.

8. Be multidisciplinary.

Companies in the new economic era as it creates solutions by integrating various disciplines such as technology, content, graphics, services and relationships. Therefore, a successful netpreneur usually understand the various disciplines science.

That is the ability to possess a netpreneur in business environment changing rapidly. And a how to have such a netpreneur ability success is to learn internet marketing

7 Reasons to promote business through the Internet!

Today we have written an article that does not lose interesting, which is about:

"7 Reasons Through Promoting An Internet Business"

Although you already have a business 'Offline' own promoting your business through the Internet remains IMPORTANT.

Because this is what will make you one step ahead than competitors. Even doubled your advantage. Why?

Because the Internet has the following advantages are:

1. Ready 24 Hours.
Unlike any other offline business practices of service depends on working days and hours of work, your web site always be ready 24 hours and can be accessed by customers from anywhere and anytime.

2. Reach Targeted Market Share.
Through the promotion online, you can effectively market the business based on the targeted market share. Both of terms of areas, interests, needs of the customer, language, and others.

3. Lifting your business image.
By having a web site, image (image) of your business can be lifted. Although you are not big business, but through an online presence, your business's image will raised compared to other competitors and can compete with large companies.

4. The marketing costs more effectively and efficiently.
Because the internet marketing very targeted and cost - relatively lower than offline marketing, so costs for marketing are also more effective and efficient.

5. 'Position' Your Business In The Future!
Every day, more and more businesses come online.Similarly, your competitors. If not now, later they will bring business through the Internet. Therefore, the presence of your business site on the internet, at least have helped to position your business in the future.

6. Simplify your In Developing Good Relationships By Customer.
Because the internet is interactive media, you are with easy to communicate and maintain good relations with customer. Whether it's through newsletters, suggestion boxes, surveys / polls, forums, etc.. Excess various devices This, you can serve many customers at one time. More efficient time, effort and cost, is not it?! :-)

7. The Responsive Automated Systems.
Through the automation system, your web site can provide respond quickly if the order or request comes Your business information is more complete than customers. In the era of all this instant, the speed of service is absolute, is not it?! :-)

Actually there are many more online, and promote the benefits You can learn more complete and detailed, PLUS berpromoti way, tips, case study of the marketers world, business ideas and niche market strategy

The character must possess to become a Entrepreuneur

How are you? Today, we will explain about the characters that must you have to be a Entrepreuneur.

However, to become entrepreneurs, not enough has knowledge of the business. Entrepreneur's character or soul also desperately needed. Therefore very important to ask following questions in your own self to find out how much your entrepreneurial character.

1. How big is your commitment?

A successful entrepreneur has a great commitment of business. Easy to understand it, but difficult in practice. If you still wish to have a business own and have not started it, maybe you should strengthen you commitment and be ready with all the risks. Anyway, none in the world of business is safe from risk. Although so, has managed risk can not?! :-)

2. Is your glass half full or half empty?

Not everyone is optimistic entrepreneurs, but almost all entrepreneurs are optimistic people. Each entrepreneur will usually have the ability to see positive opportunities of a challenging situation. Without optimistic beliefs, it will be difficult to motivate employees, survive in difficult times and grow the business.

3. Would you like to make a decision?

The decision means commitment. The wrong decision could lead on the problem and eliminate the respect of a group. Having a business-especially the capital is not large - means must be prepared to make decisions with market research limited and incomplete information. Now, approximately if you liked to make such decisions?

4. Do you have the money to make the business goals your work?

Do not quit before the job every day, until you have enough capital for business continuity. Meet the financial needs for business is not easy and needs Personal sacrifice is that of the savings, bank loans, etc-. you also have to be ready if it turns out there who do not walk according to plan. Well, if you are able to support business continuity plan for your business survive?

5. Would you like to sell?

In business, sales is a natural part of every job even if they never worked in sales even-. As an entrepreneur, your job is a 'sell'. Sell your products, the company's vision and yourself. And you have to do this every day, in every time. If you enjoy it, you was a true entrepreneur. :-)

you, if you answered YES to most of the questions above, means you have entrepreneurial character and ready to have a business alone.

But if most of the answer is NO, should consider to attract business partners for help make your business plan into reality. :-)